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Can not discuss or edit International Longshoreman's Alliance
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: number6-2

The article on the International Longshoreman's Alliance can not be discussed or edited. I have an account and was logged in, but there was no "edit" link on the discussion page or any text shown on the Edit page which could be altered. For that matter, I found several articles discussing Labor Unions that are not open to edit. Therefore, it looks more like deliberate blocking than a bug. Perhaps one has to be a member of the project to take part, but I could find no link allowing one to join the project. Whether one can join the project or not, doesn't that still defeat the whole purpose of a Wiki encyclopedia?

BTW, all I wanted to do was comment that the nuetrality of the aticle on the ILA was questionable.


Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:28 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz17383.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Nor the article nor the talk page are (or were) protected

Perhaps you were blocked?
Which OS & browser were you using?

Also: can you edit any other pages, or is it just these few? Try picking something different, like [[Wikipedia:Sandbox]]

Does not seem to be software issue.