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safari display issue - no margin below first heading
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i do not regularly use safari. this was reported by a user on hewiki. according to the user, this is very recent change. i verified the issue, but cannot verify the claim about it being recent.

issue: the vertical margin below the <hr> under page heading does not appear on safari browser

note that this issue is not so visible on enwiki, b/c vector.css on this project re-exposes the #siteSub div, which has display:none in vector skin.

  • find safari browser (verified on mac, prolly pc will also show it, but i cant be sure)
  • go to dewiki
  • open page Redball
  • notice that the first line, and the photo, are flushed against horizontal line below page heading
  • go to hewiki
  • open page ראובן ריבלין
  • ditto
  • repeat with chrome
  • notice the margin


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Could you please provide a screenshot of the problem when using safemode=1 (see ) and also provide exact Safari version information?

This comment was removed by Sokuya.

Safari Version 11.1 (13605.
Screenshoot of the URL "ראובן_ריבלין?safemode=1" on Safari browser on macOS.

Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 13.40.55.png (1×2 px, 1002 KB)

Screenshoot of the URL "ראובן_ריבלין?debug=true" on Safari browser on macOS.
Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 13.46.11.png (1×2 px, 1016 KB)

Compression to Chrome browser, notice the margin:

275e0d5e-b73b-4545-8a10-dc17f7a03b88.jpg (900×1 px, 309 KB)

Screenshot of german Wikipedia:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-11 um 15.36.24.png (214×574 px, 55 KB)

Browser: Safari 9.1.3

This started on May 31st. The missing distance between page heading and first text line/infobox isn't shown in every article and it makes a difference if you are logged in or not. Some articles have a correct layout when you are not logged it. I can't see any rule when this happens so I don't think that it depends on the content of an article. Btw it happens with the newest version of Safari (11.1.1), too.

Could someone please use Safari's web developer tools and inspect the element and its CSS? See for Safari.

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from safari display issue - no margin below first heading to hkbaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:06 AM
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CommunityTechBot renamed this task from hkbaaaaaaa to safari display issue - no margin below first heading.Jul 1 2018, 8:04 PM
CommunityTechBot raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.
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@Kipod: Could you please answer the last comment? Thanks!

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Checking in Safari 13.0.1/macOS

image.png (586×886 px, 233 KB)

Bug is not present any more.