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Migrate content from Wikimedia Commons categories to Wikidata
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Information that is stored on Wikidata can now be displayed in Commons categories through {{Wikidata Infobox}}, where sitelinks are present. So ideally, all content in a category page on Commons should be migrated to Wikidata - but how do we do that? And what is the best way to link this in with with Structured Data on Commons?

Event Timeline

@Mike_Peel: Anything left to do in this Wikimania-Hackathon-2018 task / any follow-up tasks still needed to create? If there is nothing left to do here, please feel free to resolve this task via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks!

There's plenty left to do, but it's not being tracked here, so I've marked this as resolved now. Thanks!