2018-06-07 12:13 we asked if there is an URL we can use with the NAD number as an argument and got the answer
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?postid=ArkisRef%20**$1** where $1 is the NAD number
e.g. https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?postid=ArkisRef%20SE/HLA/1010201 ==> Archive SE/HLA/1010201
This URL works great for Church archives see map but we have seen some problems
- SE/ATA/ENSK_103 --> Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrands arkiv
- SE/ATA/ENSK_78-1 --> Carl von Linnés handlingar
- List with Archives connected to a person
- List sorted on NAD feels like Riksarkivet problems is per archive e.g. SE/ViLA and SE/VALA works
Need: I guess we need one URL that works for all NADarchives or understand how to link...