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Positioning of Extension:GeoCrumbs and Extension:WikidataPageBanner
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GeoCrumbs creates the navigation line in the beginning of Wikivoyage articles. WikidataPageBanner creates the page banner. Since the time both extensions were introduced, the banner was sitting above the navigation line, at least in Russian Wikivoyage. This has changed in the beginning of July, and now the navigation line precedes the banner. We would like to have this change reverted, because it was not discussed with the community and obscures the view of Wikivoyage articles. A particularly bad example can be seen here:Нижний_Тагил
where the map and GPX icons clash with the text.

@Jdlrobson, I hope you can take a look at this. Thanks!

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Atsirlin triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 29 2018, 8:05 AM

Hey there!
Firstly to workaround this problem, might I suggest the following CSS:

.mw-parser-output > *:first-child {
    margin-right: 120px;

For a more long term solution, there seems to be a disagreement between English, French, Spanish Wikivoyage and yourselves about how this should behave (see T113642 and The early feedback was the banner should be underneath and we committed to fixing that, it just only happened to finally happen last month. At least English and French Wikivoyage have been hacking around this problem for some time and it was making stewards life harder.

I see 3 options here

  1. Russian Wikivoyage agree with other projects and retain the existing behaviour, finding a way to deal with the GPX icons
  2. English Wikivoyage are convinced that Russian Wikivoyage's opinion is correct and we revert the change and keep the breadcrumbs
  3. We make this change configurable so support both usages and Russian make the corresponding site request change.

I'd like to avoid 3 as I think consistency is very important and right now as the only active maintainer of this extension, I am struggling to find support for code review but if that is the only option and someone can submit a patch to do this, I will happily review.

Let me know what you want to do !

cc @zhuyifei1999 @Glaisher @Stryn @Zerabat @Sjoerddebruin

@Jdlrobson, thank you for your detailed response! I guess we can live with the same setting as English Wikivoyage, but we would like to place the map and GPX icons on the same line as the geographical navigation. Could you advise us on how to do this in the current setting? I see this is done in English Wikivoyage somehow, but I don't really understand how. They put the icons into <indicator name="i3-geo">, but I don't see where it is defined. Thank you!

Hey @Atsirlin I think en.wikivoyage uses Page status indicators. I've not used them myself but if that doesn't help I'm hoping one of the subscribers here might be able to guide you..

This seems to be the template they use to add those:

@Jdlrobson, it worked for us. Thanks! I think that this task can be closed.