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Officewiki after login redirect not working
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I noticed an issue on officewiki where if you try to access a page as a non-logged in user, eg, you get redirected to the login screen per usual. Then once you login, you get redirected to the homepage rather than to the original page you were trying to access (which is the expected behavior). Note this only appears to be an issue on desktop - mobile seems to handle the redirect after login correctly.

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I cannot reproduce with Firefox 63 on desktop - the returnto URL parameter is kept and works. Is that parameter kept for you?

(For anyone affected by log-in problems who wants to help track them down, see )

Tgr subscribed.

Not a MediaWiki problem. I'll follow up in

So this still happens for me in Chrome 70.0.3538.102. When I get redirected to login, the returnto param turns into "Homepage" (see lower left corner of screenshot compared to the URL bar)

Screen Shot 2018-12-06 at 9.47.22 AM.png (1×2 px, 680 KB)