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Zoomviewer error: "No response from server iipsrv.fcgi"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Clicking on Non-flash viewer link
(seems to happen with all images on commons for me) takes one to toolserver but after some time it gives a dialog with "No response from server iipsrv.fcgi"

Flash viewer link - does nothing.

Event Timeline

Shyamal renamed this task from Zoomviewer to Zoomviewer error.Sep 15 2018, 7:44 AM
Shyamal added a project: Toolforge.
Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Sep 15 2018, 9:50 AM

Hi @Shyamal, thanks for taking the time to report this!
Unfortunately this report lacks some information. If you have time and can still reproduce the problem: Please add a more complete description to this report.
That should be a clear list of specific steps to reproduce the situation, as little details sometimes matter, so that nobody needs to guess how you performed each step, describing actual results and expected results after performing the steps to reproduce, providing a link to a public website where the issue can be seen.
You can edit the task description by clicking Edit Task. Thanks!

Shyamal updated the task description. (Show Details)
Shyamal changed the task status from Stalled to Open.EditedNov 1 2018, 2:45 PM

All zoomviewer links on commons fail to work - both non-flash and flash versions fail to produce zoomable views. Error messages dialog in non-flash version as mentioned above.

Aklapper renamed this task from Zoomviewer error to Zoomviewer error: "No response from server iipsrv.fcgi".Nov 14 2018, 12:43 PM

Works now according to @Shyamal, hence closing this task.

Vahurzpu subscribed.

I have run into what seems to be the same problem. To reproduce with the first example on the ZoomViewer docs, when I open this image I get the exact error above ("No response from server iipsrv.fcgi"). This happens with every image I have tried. I'm using Firefox 78 on Fedora 31.

I tried opening an image ( below the usual 2 MP limit that hadn't previously been opened in zoomviewer, and I got a processing message for a little before it failed with the same message.

Going back to the first example image: the exact request that triggers the issue (taken from developer tools) is to,1.0&obj=Max-size&obj=Tile-size&obj=Resolution-number ; none of the headers seem relevant. The server responds with a 404 and the 404 message is identical to that you get if you navigate to

Closing again; please create new tickets for new problems (which might show the same error, though). :) Might be covered by T263141: ZoomViewer Error - No response from server iipsrv.fcgi now.