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cloudvps: fastcci project trusty deprecation
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Ubuntu Trusty is no longer available in Cloud VPS since Nov 2017 for new instances. However, the EOL of Trusty is approaching in 2019 and we need to move to Debian Stretch before that date.

All instances in the fastcci project needs to upgrade as soon as possible.

The list of affected VMs is:

  • fastcci-master.fastcci.eqiad.wmflabs

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Event Timeline

aborrero triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 17 2018, 12:32 PM
aborrero created this task.

Fastcci is already running xenial. I updated it in place several months ago.

The upgrade should be to Debian. Xenial is Ubuntu 16.04.
Does Puppet still work on there?

lsb_release says that fastcci-master is still running trusty:

$ ssh root@fastcci-master.fastcci.eqiad.wmflabs
$ lsb_release -c
Codename:       trusty

The fastcci-worker[123] instances in the project are all built on the debian-9.0-stretch base image (which is great for now).

Let me take a look. I should rebuild these instances with a different memory size anyways. That service craps out once an hour :-/

Alright, all instances rebuilt using Debian 9.5 (how long will that one be good for?)

Alright, all instances rebuilt using Debian 9.5 (how long will that one be good for?)

Debian 9 will EOL in June 2022, so expect something in late 2021 :)

Debian 9 will EOL in June 2022, so expect something in late 2021 :)

The Cloud Services and SRE teams are planning to discuss distribution lifecycles in the coming months to see if we can come to a mutual agreement that takes the both the security costs placed on the SRE team and the upgrade costs for the volunteer community running Cloud VPS projects into account. I can not guarantee that we will be able to support releases through the full LTS lifecycle from upstream, but I will try to fairly represent the concerns of the Cloud VPS and Toolforge maintainer communities in those discussions.

Krenair assigned this task to dschwen.

Looks like this was completed.