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"Thanked" sometimes not shown in revision history or diff-page (after restarting browser / session)
Closed, InvalidPublic


In Wikipedia it is possible to send other users Thanks notifications (see ). If you do this the button will change from "Thank" to "Thanked". However this is not always the case. I have come across multiple instances of Revision history pages or diff-pages ("Difference between revisions") where I know I have already thanked a user for a specific edit but the button is still shown as "Thank" while it should be shown as "Thanked".
Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this error yet nor have I any idea what might be the cause of this.

I have not been able to reproduce this error yet.


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The thanks log does not record the specific edits. The information that you thanked user X for edit Y is stored in your browser session. If you restart your browser, there's again the "thanks" link instead of a "already thanked". And if you use another browser simultaneously, this one will not know that you thanked User X for the edit Y.

The thanks log does not record the specific edits. The information that you thanked user X for edit Y is stored in your browser session. If you restart your browser, there's again the "thanks" link instead of a "already thanked". And if you use another browser simultaneously, this one will not know that you thanked User X for the edit Y.

Thanks for your reply. I understand that the current implementation is very beneficial for reasons of privacy since nobody can see for which specific edit a user was thanked (since edits might be controversial for whatever reasons). I wasn't aware of this aspect when I wrote the original post. I think it is important to keep this feature like it currently is (no changes).

Aklapper renamed this task from Sometimes "Thanked" is not shown in revision history or diff-page to "Thanked" sometimes not shown in revision history or diff-page (after restarting browser / session).Oct 3 2018, 10:50 AM

So it sounds like the extension is working as intended and this bug report should be closed as invalid?

@Mholloway Yes, I think this issue can be closed.

Done! And thanks for reporting, @Soluvo. This software behavior is indeed counter-intuitive; I came across this task while investigating a very similar issue.