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Unable to continue after to next phase after uploading with new wizard
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I uploaded 21 pictures for the Israeli Wikimedia contest, but after completing,
there is way to continue to the next phase.

In addition, I don't see the new uploads in the list of uploads in my account.

what should I do now?

Event Timeline

Fix: There is NO way to continue to the next phase.

Hi @LizzyShaanan, thanks for taking the time to report this and welcome to Wikimedia Phabricator!
Unfortunately this report lacks some information. If you have time and can still reproduce the problem: Please add a more complete description to this report:
That can be a clear list of specific steps to reproduce the situation, as little details sometimes matter, such as providing a specific link to a public website where the issue can be seen, plus browser information and browser version information.
Ideally, exact and clear steps to reproduce should allow any other person to follow these steps (without having to interpret those steps) and see the same results. Thanks!

This might be a duplicate of T205636 but we don't know without more information...

Hi @Aklapper ,

Thanks for your response.
This issue is very similar to T205636 , but not exactly.

In my case the "next" button in UploadWizard is missing in the "Upload" step.
I'm using Google Chrome.

wiki.png (1×1 px, 180 KB)

Hope this information helps better


What is the "Israeli Wikimedia contest"? What is the full URL address that you use?

The Israeli contest is:

FYI: I have already re-uploaded all the pictures, so currently this issue doesn't matter much to me.

But, just in case you would like to solve a possible existing bug in the website...

  1. Yes, I used exactly the same upload form
  2. Yes, I used these upload buttons