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Move/rename [[mw:Annoying_little_bugs]] to [[mw:Good_first_bugs]]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Due to the rename of the phab board from #easy to #goodfirstbug, the annoying little bugs page would be renamed / moved to good first bug page to match the phab board naming.

Reason being that:

These bugs are neither 'annoying' nor necessarily always 'little' or even 'easy', but rather a good starting point for new contributors. We also already renamed the corresponding Phab project.

(all the above by @Aklapper).

Upon move, the message "This special page allows you to move pages which are marked for translation. The move action will not be instant, because many pages will need to be moved. While the pages are being moved, it is not possible to interact with the pages in question. Failures will be logged in the page translation log and they need to be repaired by hand." (keeping for historical purposes).

After move, got this message "Move translatable page 'Annoying_little_bugs' Please check the page translation log in a while for errors and completion message."

Move in progress (please wait...)

Moving still in progress (please wait) after 2 days into the moving process!

Checked today (11th Oct, 2018 at about 9pm UTC+01) and noticed that the lock on the page during translation has been removed. The page is no longer locked.

Event Timeline

xSavitar triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 6 2018, 10:14 AM
xSavitar moved this task from Backlog to Doing [WIP] on the User-xSavitar board.
xSavitar added a subscriber: Nikerabbit.

@Aklapper, can I try the move again one more time? Ccing @Nikerabbit for clues?

@D3r1ck01 You can try whatever you'd like; no need to ask me :)

xSavitar moved this task from Doing [WIP] to Backlog on the User-xSavitar board.
  • I went to
  • I clicked a button called Check if the move is possible.
  • The page says In total 1,125 pages to move. and also "Failures will be logged in the page translation log and they need to be repaired by hand. "
  • The page also shows the buttons "Do the move" and "Change target" at the bottom.
  • Assuming that this was actually the "check" that I was promised, and as that page obviously allows me to move it, I bravely clicked "Do the move" again.
  • The next page said "Please check the page translation log in a while for errors and completion message. "
  • I promise I will, while I am actively crossing my fingers.

And it seems the move is complete?

I was thinking it will move all translatable pages too? Because it's asking for the page to be marked for translation at the top.

Also, maybe we should put a redirect on the previous page to the new page now?

Ohhh, everything seems fine now I guess? The translatable pages are now there :) That was really fast. says you've completed renamed it @Aklapper

Mainframe98 was kind enough to move (thanks!, I had missed that issue earlier).

Looks good to me, indeed. I also replaced a bunch of redirects on, in order to not redirect to a redirect...