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XTools doesn't handle URL-escaped slash correctly
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I noticed XTools doesn't handle URL-escaped slash in article's title correctly. Compare:

Examples with the Authorship tool:

We should have a look at our Apache config to find out why the request isn't getting forwarded to the application.

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Grr I'm stupid... thought I was looking at the URL for a different tool. The page you're trying to load DOES have a slash in it. Hence your bug report was completely valid, and forget what I said about formatting the URL correctly!

Same problem that I described though -- Apache isn't forwarding the request to the app. An oddity for sure.

MusikAnimal closed this task as Resolved.EditedMar 8 2022, 8:50 PM
MusikAnimal claimed this task.
MusikAnimal moved this task from General / other to Complete on the XTools board.

Fixed for non-API requests by adding the AllowEncodedSlashes On directive to the Apache config. It took me minutes to find the solution... sorry I didn't take the time to investigate 3+ years ago when this was reported!

Strangely the same issue still exists with the API, even though I updated the API server in the same way. That issue is being tracked at T301106. EDIT: I needed to use the nocanon option on the ProxyPass. Now fixed \o/