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Final Report: Autumn Banner Campaign 2018
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Prepare and share the final ABC 2018 report.

Event Timeline

@Stefan_Schneider_WMDE @Verena @kai.nissen @RazShuty

The Campaign Overview is now ready:

@Stefan_Schneider_WMDE To help me calculate the conversion rates and provide statistical tests when and if necessary, please confirm the following:

  • all three campaign tags - namely, lp1, lp1m, and lp1n - could have led the user either to the LerneWikipedia page or to Vor_Ort_2018 page;
  • all local event pages were reachable from the Vor_Ort_2018 page exclusively;
  • user registrations happen either (a) after reaching the registration step from LerneWikipedia or (b) registering at the local event.

Thank you!

@GoranSMilovanovic Hi Goran, thank you for the Report. We have only a few registrations we know of and which were tracked on the local pages. But very many people attendet the local events and commited to come to other events too. But this is unfortunately not really trackable.

Nevertheless I miss the Edits the users did. This Information would be awesome:
Edit | 1 | 2-4 | 5-9 | 10-49 | >50
Users| ... | ... | ... | ... |...

Could you add this information please?

@GoranSMilovanovic In general we perceived the event as really successfull :)

@Stefan_Schneider_WMDE User edits entered as per your request.

@GoranSMilovanovic Hi Goran, I'm writing down the data in a table right now and I notice, that I miss a distinction between two landingpages:

LP 1 [Desktop]
LP 1 [Mobile]

Could you add the page views of the LP 1 [Mobile]? I would check it myself, but in the mobile version I do not find the link to the stats.

Sry for spotting that missing information only now...


Now I'm done with copying and reviewing the data and I miss more data. I fear, that I didn't notice that before and would be very glad to get more data from you. It regards the mobile data and thus separate URLs, that we would need to track. The mobile people had a user journey that remained mobile. I marked the missing URLs (orange) in our sheet. Could you provide the page views for that pages please?

So in short

  1. page views of three location URLs are missing on desktop user journey
  2. page views of the first landingpage on mobile is missing (
  3. page views of all locations on mobile are missing

Please don't hesitate to ask for a short call or hangouts, if something is not clear.

@Stefan_Schneider_WMDE Could you please let me know if the following section of the Report: 1.2.3 Pageviews Overview: totals per Tag/Page contain the pageviews data that you were looking for?

  • Since this Campaign is now archived and all standardized analytics served from the WMDE New Editors Dashboard,
  • I am closing this ticket and kindly asking to re-direct all further discussion to T209055.
