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Add Zotero ISBN translator for NK ČR (Czech sources)
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The automatically generated citations by Citoid (searched e.g. by ISBN/ISSN/URL) contain multiple errors and mistakes these days. When we analyze these errors and mistakes, we have to admit they look like they are loaded from some non-Czech database/source. Could it be possible to search Czech autorities databases (e.g. NK ČR) first on the Czech Wikipedia?

Re-posted and translated from the on-wiki discussion at the Village Pump

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We use WorldCat for ISBNs. There's a similar bug filed for JP wiki here: T192528. Is there a good Czech authority to use you can recommend?

We use WorldCat for ISBNs. There's a similar bug filed for JP wiki here: T192528. Is there a good Czech authority to use you can recommend?

Ah, I see NK ČR - is there a link to an api you can give me?

Mvolz triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 11 2018, 11:35 AM

I know this portal:
The base search searches in NK ČR (National Library of the Czech Rep. abbrev. as NKC). You can also change the base, I recommend also SK ČR (Union Catalogue of the Czech Rep., abbrev. as SKC) or do a multi-base search. There is also a CCL search option to make search using command language (which could be easily scripted to Citoid I think).

It also works with url parameters, so it should be possible to write a translator

Dvorapa renamed this task from Citoid should load citation data from local authorities sources to Citoid should load citation data from Czech authorities sources.Dec 23 2018, 10:20 PM
Dvorapa updated the task description. (Show Details)

Would it be possible to not fill the URL parametr with the link to Worldcat? The link is already there via "OCLC" link., so its a duplicite. And the URL parametr should be filled only with a link to full online version of the source, not just a database entry.

Perhaps start a new task about it? (I don't like this behavior too)

Perhaps start a new task about it? (I don't like this behavior too)

If you think it would be better this way, could you create it please? :)

Mvolz renamed this task from Citoid should load citation data from Czech authorities sources to Add Zotero translator for NK ČR (Czech sources).May 26 2023, 12:52 PM
Mvolz renamed this task from Add Zotero translator for NK ČR (Czech sources) to Add Zotero ISBN translator for NK ČR (Czech sources).