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Update Selenium/Node.js/Target Custom MediaWiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Instructions at at least Selenium/Node.js/Target Custom MediaWiki (and possibly other pages) is out of date, ffmpeg is needed. Caused by T179188.

Reported by @Samwilson at Topic:Unjieswr4bnf2efm.

Event Timeline

zeljkofilipin moved this task from Backlog 🪒 to Q1 👔 on the User-zeljkofilipin board.
zeljkofilipin moved this task from Inbox to Selenium on the MediaWiki-Core-Tests board.
zeljkofilipin lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Sep 11 2019, 11:52 AM
zeljkofilipin claimed this task.