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Implement autocompleted feature for comments mentions
Closed, ResolvedPublic



In Tracker comments, you can ping somebody by simply doing @username. The problem is you must be aware about this. Something like autocompleter poping up after typing @ would be nice, similar how it works here on Phabricator.

Proposed solution

Implement the feature.

Student is expected to send a patch for wikimedia-cz/tracker repository, hosted at Wikimedia Gerrit. When claiming task on GCI website, student should claim a respective Phabricator task as well.


Event Timeline

Could I try? It seems to be a good DRF lesson for me :D

Could I try? It seems to be a good DRF lesson for me :D

Sure, feel free to!

Could I try? It seems to be a good DRF lesson for me :D

Hi, what's the status of this task?

Change 560075 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bjornskjald; owner: Bjornskjald):
[wikimedia-cz/tracker@master] Add username suggestions in ticket comments

Change 560075 merged by jenkins-bot:
[wikimedia-cz/tracker@master] Add username suggestions in ticket comments