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restbase1011 fails to boot, ASSERT error lines
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restbase1011 failed to come up after a reboot, here's what was printed to the serial console:

2 Processor(s) detected, 16 total cores enabled, Hyperthreading is enabled
Proc 1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
Proc 2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
QPI Speed: 8.0 GT/s

HP Power Profile Mode: Balanced Power and Performance
Power Regulator Mode: Dynamic Power Savings
Advanced Memory Protection Mode: Advanced ECC Support
Inlet Ambient Temperature: 21dC / 69dF
Boot Mode: Legacy BIOS

Redundant ROM Detected - This system contains a valid backup system ROM
HP SmartMemory authenticated in all populated DIMM slots.

For access via BIOS Serial Console:
Press 'ESC+9' for System Utilities
Press 'ESC+0' for Intelligent Provisioning
Power and Thermal Calibration ... nu
ASSERT u:\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\Mem\Pool.c(433): CR has Bad Signature
ASSERT u:\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\Event\Event.c(779): !EFI_ERROR (Status)
ASSERT u:\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\Mem\Pool.c(433): CR has Bad Signature
ASSERT u:\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LinkedList.c(545): !IsListEmpty (Entry)
ASSERT u:\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LinkedList.c(545): !IsListEmpty (Entry)

Event Timeline

@MoritzMuehlenhoff did a hard power cycle and the server came up clean, I've never seen the ASSERT messages. Typically if there is a h/w error on HP I will get a yellow notice and a prompt to review the log. I am not sure what you want to do with it at this time?

Thanks, given that the server is in fact back up and and that we don't have any actionable error message to report to HP, let's simply close the bug. If it ever happens again, we'll find this task in Phabricator and then can reassess.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-12-20T11:34:47Z] <moritzm> powercycling restbase1014, similar EFI ASSEER error to T212305

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-12-20T11:34:55Z] <moritzm> powercycling restbase1014, similar EFI ASSERT error to T212305