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Allow to hide rows in tables
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: fuljencio

I think a great feature for very populated tables such as those at
would be the ability to hide rows.

E.g. sort of "hide button" could appear somewhere on hovering the row. Or by mean of any other more predictable UI trick.

Thank you.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 10:39 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz19446.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I'd say that MediaWiki core is not the proper place for this. Local JS or Gadgets are more suitable. This is just scratching the surface of peoples' needs, which is to compare information using tables similar to google squared.

fuljencio wrote:

I'd say that MediaWiki core is not the proper place for this. Local JS or
Gadgets are more suitable.

It is totally possible. It is my first access to mediawiki's bugzilla
and I'm not familiarized with the categories. Excuse me.

This is just scratching the surface of peoples'
needs, which is to compare information using tables similar to google squared.

If you are saying this is a totally UI superficial JS trick, yes; it
is. It should not even do any change in the information served to the
client; the idea is just hide/unhide already-served HTML rows.

Thank you!

WONTFIX per comment #1. This should be in a local wiki's JS, Gadget or site-wide.

fuljencio wrote:

JavaScript that adds row hiding ability to tables of class "wikitable".


fuljencio wrote:

Hi again.

Inspired in
(find: "Table sorting script")
I made a wild JS code that does the thing I said.

So, now I want this code to achieve World Domination. Yeah.

I have been reading at
and I don't understand what is the supposed way to announce the availability of a code like mine at the right place, or, at least, how can I contact with someone who can do that.

I attached the code just in case of usefulness.

Thank you.