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mobile-l feedback system issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: matthew.britton

Currently users of the mobile site are invited to leave feedback by email. Said feedback is directed to mobile-l. There are two big problems with this.

First, it can be subscribed to by anyone; a malicious user can subscribe to the list and receive a steady stream of active email addresses the owners of whom are, I think it is reasonable to assume, not aware that they are exposing their address in this way when submitting feedback.

Second, the mobile-l list advertises itself as a place for discussion of the mobile site. Any such discussion would be swamped by the flood of feedback messages, which is probably why I haven't seen any. Changing the description to make it clear that it's not so much a mailing list as a receptacle for feedback forms would be a start, but that still leaves us without a list for discussion of the mobile site, so if such a thing is desired, it would have to be put elsewhere.

BTW a lot of the feedback messages seem to be blank, something that should be looked into?

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:44 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz19623.

I'm with you on this. I subscribed to mobile-l but had to unsubscribe because all I got was the thousands of feedback e-mails (which should certainly be collected into more general feedback that is actionable).

If the feedback could go to something like mobile-feedback-l and the mobile discussion stay on mobile-l, that could work nicely :)

hcatlin wrote:

We whole heartedly agree.

New list has been created. Now we just need to swap it in the message that users see.