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Show LATER and possibly WONTFIX bugs in default Bugzilla search?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Some issues that have been LATERed because they're not currently feasible or WONTFIXed because we hate them get frequent dupe reports. I suspect this would be less frequent if they showed up in a default search, or were prominently checked before bug submission.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:39 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz19650.

Why not go ahead and check for all resolutions, except for maybe DUPLICATE? Now that sort-of-weekly scaps are a thing of the past, lots of FIXED bugs get re-reported as well.

Easy change. Not sure we want to default search for ALL bugs though...I heavily support adding LATER.

Bulk-assigning open BZ issues to Fred.

Someone appears to have tried to implement this, with the result that advanced search searches *ONLY* bugs marked WONTFIX or LATER. This is.... very bad. :)

I tried poking this, but I couldn't get the results I wanted...default advanced search still shows the old values AFAICT.

Created attachment 6455
Screenshot of advanced search form portion w/ wrong settings

Attached is screenshot showing the live advanced search form with incorrect settings.

This returns results *only* if the bug is marked as WONTFIX or LATER.

defaultquery is currently set to:



evil-zilla.png (139×634 px, 23 KB)

Default query now has LATER and WONTFIX'd bugs added. Can't sort by resolution (putting WONTFIX & LATER at the bottom) because the "sort by" part of Advanced Search sucks (it only accepts a few limited values, and can't deal with order=bugs.resolution,bugs.bug_id that I specified in the default query). If you actually *try* the default query, it sorts properly though :P

New default query:

According to Splarka we didn't specify MediaWiki as the product previously, so I removed it.