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Test Basic Search prototype with casual users
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Testing script

Testing goals

The Multimedia team has been working on adding Depicts statements to Commons as part of the Structured Data on Commons project. Initial testing on the Basic Search prototype for Depicts statements was conducted with the community in October 2018 and some visual improvements have been made since then.

As the Multimedia team gets closer to launching Depict statements, we will we would like to receive additional qualitative feedback from more casual users on the usability of the designs and implementation so far.

This unmoderated, task-based user test will use the Alpha/Labs testing environment using both internal testers and users.

The primary goals of this test are to gain insights on the following aspects of the Basic Search feature:

Ease of search
  • Can users who are new to Commons search successfully initiate a keyword search?
  • Can users tell the difference between keywords and tags?
  • Can users correctly identify what tag searching is?
  • Does typing text and selecting tags work as users expect?

To dos

  • Confirm search prototype is up and running
  • Confirm search prototype acceptable for testing
  • Write script
  • Write set-up protocol for internal testers
  • Create a doc & google form for internal testers to follow for unmoderated testing
  • Write email for recruiting internal testers
  • Send out recruitment email
  • Upload test to
  • Set up profiles for recruitment
  • Run test
  • Analyze and internal test results



  • Since it is difficult for casual users to grasp, reserve this specialized search as an opt-in feature for power users
  • Stop automatically showing the Qualifier popover the first 2 times, and use a pulse point + informational tooltip instead to show users they can click on the tag and add qualifiers

Event Timeline

PDrouin-WMF renamed this task from [stub] Highlight the statement box in edit mode to [stub] Test search prototype.Mar 15 2019, 1:25 PM
PDrouin-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
PDrouin-WMF renamed this task from [stub] Test search prototype to Test Basic Search prototype with casual users.Mar 15 2019, 2:36 PM
PDrouin-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)