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Interface text for Reader Demographics Quicksurvey
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Pending privacy policy: pages to add to the MediaWiki namespace pages on English Wikipedia.

"Reader-demographics-1-description" : "", //leaving blank, because it was blank for a previous survey:
"Reader-demographics-1-link" : ""
"Reader-demographics-1-message" : "Take a short survey and help us improve Wikipedia",
"Reader-demographics-1-privacy" : "Survey data handled by a third party. [ Privacy]

Pages to create:

Event Timeline

Isaac renamed this task from Interface text for Reader Diversity Quicksurvey to Interface text for Reader Demographics Quicksurvey.Feb 25 2019, 4:12 PM
Capt_Swing triaged this task as High priority.

@Isaac just let me know when you've updated the privacy policy link. I should get my edit rights restored soon.

@Capt_Swing privacy statement uploaded, so whenever you get a chance, the pages can be created. Thanks!!