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LocalSettings.php not found on a multi language wiki farm setup
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In reference to this commit:

In we have a wiki farm (multiple language wikis) setup in the following way:

{DocumentRoot}/wiki <- this folder contains the common mediawiki code for all the wikis

{DocumentRoot}/w-en <- this folder contains symbolic links to wiki + LocalSettings.php for english
{DocumentRoot}/w-es <- this folder contains symbolic links to wiki + LocalSettings.php for spanish
(There are 24 languages setup like this)

Every folder contains a different wiki, and apache manages the multiple languages using Alias directive, like:
Alias /en {DocumentRoot}/w-en/index.php
Alias /es {DocumentRoot}/w-es/index.php

The setup worked perfect on version 1.27 - when we migrated to version 1.32 it stopped working - it was showing the message that the wiki was not installed.
Finally I traced the problem to this change, the LocalSettings.php cannot be found because the IP was pointing to the folder {DocumentRoot}/wiki which doesn't have LocalSettings.php - every language wiki has one different.

I edited the WebStart.php reverting this change and now the wiki is working fine.


Carlos Ruiz