Page MenuHomePhabricator shows different time when you're logged in and when you're logged out
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As shown in the pictures below, shows different times when you're logged in and when you're logged out. And neither of them is right.

Logged in:

IMG_20190423_155802.jpg (1×2 px, 997 KB)

Logged out:

IMG_20190423_155737.jpg (1×2 px, 793 KB)

*Accepted criteria*

Show the correct time (depending on the timezone the time should be accurate) and if you're logged in or logged out that shouldn't matter, the time should be the same.

Event Timeline

What time is it supposed to show? The current time now?

Reedy renamed this task from [Bug] shows different time when you're logged in and when you're logged out to shows different time when you're logged in and when you're logged out.Apr 23 2019, 2:52 PM

Yes, the current time now. Im updating the description.

Margott updated the task description. (Show Details)
Margott updated the task description. (Show Details)

Yes, the current time now. Im updating the description.

Depending on how that's being implemented.. It's definitely never going to work for anonymous users

Margott triaged this task as Lowest priority.Apr 23 2019, 3:46 PM

I see, then lets make it to show the right time when we are logged in. Would be nice to show the right time because of the banners and quote of the day. Its around one hour early as far as I can understand, which is not a big deal. If its too much work from the team that has to work on this, then we can skip it for now.

I see, then lets make it to show the right time when we are logged in. Would be nice to show the right time because of the banners and quote of the day. Its around one hour early as far as I can understand, which is not a big deal. If its too much work from the team that has to work on this, then we can skip it for now.

How is it implemented?

If it's an hour early, that sounds like a timezone issue preference/wiki config issue

A quick look... sqwiki and sqwikinews have a timezone set of Europe/Berlin. Nothing for sqwikiquote. So it's in UTC...

Change 505804 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; owner: Reedy):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Set sqwikiquote $wgLocalTimezone

Yes, thats right. Thank you :)

Yes, thats right. Thank you :)

For clarification, what's right? To set sqwikiquote's timezone to the same timezone as sqwiki and sqwikinews?

Yes, thats right. Thank you :)

For clarification, what's right? To set sqwikiquote's timezone to the same timezone as sqwiki and sqwikinews?

Yes, its should be Europe/Berlin time just like sqwiki / sqwikinews and UTC just like all the other languages.

Change 505804 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Set sqwikiquote $wgLocalTimezone

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-04-23T16:07:03Z] <reedy@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: set wglocaltimezone for sqwikiquote T221627 (duration: 00m 54s)

Reedy claimed this task.
Reedy removed a project: Patch-For-Review.