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Retrieve individual image data to populate Participate page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Each image that is displayed during a Participation Session needs to have it's current data retrieved via the API.

For initial implementation we should make a API calls at the moment the user lands on the image (i.e. when they just start Participating, or when they click next/previous).

We can get all the data we need with 3 API calls:

The structured data needs two steps:

  1. T222493: Commons API call to get Structured data for image file - Gets all captions, and a list of Wikidata IDs used in 'depicts' statements
  2. T222495: Wikidata API call to get labels and descriptions from Wikidata IDs - Gets labels for the Wikidata IDs returned in previous call

Event Timeline

NavinoEvans renamed this task from Retrieve existing image data to populate Participate page to Retrieve individual image data to populate Participate page.May 3 2019, 9:30 AM
NavinoEvans mentioned this in ISA.
NavinoEvans assigned this task to Eugene233.