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Need a mechanism for injecting a LocalSettings.php fragment before nodejs browser tests
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Our use case is T190829, for which we want to add this configuration to LocalSettings.php:

$wgEnableUploads = true;

Ideally, we can install this custom config and launch a corresponding PHP server for just this one extension's browser tests. I can imagine that we use a LocalSettings.d similar to how mediawiki-vagrant is configured, or maybe we can just supply the configuration on the command-line to reduce potential race conditions if servers are launched for other extensions.

This just became possible with T199116.


The Ruby browser test running script would cat directly onto LocalSettings.php,$35-39

Unfortunately, this can't be cleaned up easily and will break isolation between tests.

Event Timeline

Looks like the biggest blocker is T199116: Quibble should run `npm install` and `npm run selenium-test` for each extension/skin that has Selenium tests, because: wouldn't quite work in our case, since the test is being run from mw-core

It would be nice to package the PHP fragments in a conf.d-style directory, which gets cleaned and repopulated between browser tests on each repo, to reduce the chance of interference between tests.