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Fix HTML for display of unstructured metadata
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Resolved by: T224724: Match Participate page to mock ups

Currently using .text JQuery function and need to switch to .html instead for some fields

The following changes are needed:

  • File: create a link for the image file (use .html)
  • Description: show links and other formatting (Strip HTML tags using JQuery before the .text insertion)
  • Author: (Strip HTML tags using JQuery before the .text insertion)

Event Timeline

NavinoEvans renamed this task from Use HTML for display of unstructured metadata to Fix HTML for display of unstructured metadata.May 22 2019, 4:17 PM
NavinoEvans claimed this task.
NavinoEvans updated the task description. (Show Details)
NavinoEvans updated the task description. (Show Details)
NavinoEvans moved this task from Pending to Review on the ISA board.