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Commons Game to identify figure skaters
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Create a game to identify people in the category using suggestions based on the participant list of the event (all pictures are categorized in an event)

It could look something like the Visual Tool of mix n' match, with the unidentified picture on the left side, and suggested matches on the right ( with a filtering system by gender/discipline in the middle based on the SPARQL query

Event Timeline

Ecritures subscribed.

@SIryn this could be exactly the game we are thinking about

Hi @Harmonia_Amanda ,
could you please tell me where/how I can get the participant list?

Ecritures triaged this task as Medium priority.
Ecritures moved this task from Backlog to SPARQLstation on the Wiki-Techstorm-2019 board.
Ecritures updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ecritures edited subscribers, added: Mh-3110; removed: Aklapper, Harmonia_Amanda.

@Harmonia_Amanda : do you have an answer to these questions that @MichellevL_WMNL asked?

  • Are the figure skaters already available in Wikidata?
  • Where is the participants list?

The skaters are on Wikidata, can be retrieved with a SPARQL query, the difficult part being that a big part of the unidentified skaters pictures are on subcategories of the relevant competition category, which is the one linked to Wikidata. I'm not sure how we can from a picture find the relevant upper category linked to Wikidata (there will be several categories linked to Wikidata in the picture).

For an example of a query ; "competition" would be the item linked to Commons.

This project we started at the hackathon and created this phabricator for was not an ISA campaign in our minds. A big part of the idea was to have on one side the picture with people to identify and on the other side other pictures from Commons showing the relevant people, with filters by gender or discipline. I've used ISA only a little but I really don't see how it could work for that.

Hello @Harmonia_Amanda ,
I will be attending WikitechStorm this year. So if you still want me to work on this, please reassign it back to me and update the description section with what you're expecting.

@Harmonia_Amanda as we discussed, here is the initial description of the task:

Create a game to identify people in the category using suggestions based on the participant list of the event (all pictures are categorized in an event)

Please feel free to update the task description as you mentioned what was suggested seems no to be the right solution for the initial need.


This open task is tagged with Wiki-Techstorm-2019 which took place a while ago. Tasks shouldn't be lingering - Please either set the status of this task to resolved/declined, or add an active project tag so this task can be found when looking at an active (not: 2019) project - thanks a lot!

I think this task is no more valid.

@Harmonia_Amanda ok for you to resolve it?

I'm unassigning myself from it.