Takes about 30 seconds in the first load. 30 seconds is near our deployment limit (currently increased to 45s), and over the development limit (20s) we use at translatewiki.net.
Subsequent views take a few seconds. The only slow part in it is the query for active users:
1252827223.73: SQL: SELECT /* SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate Nike */ COUNT( DISTINCT rc_user_text ) FROM bw_recentchanges WHERE (rc_user != 0) AND rc_bot = '0' AND (rc_log_type != 'newusers' OR rc_log_type IS NULL) LIMIT 1
1252827226.36: SQL: UPDATE /* SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate Nike */ bw_site_stats SET ss_active_users = '1671' WHERE ss_row_id = '1'
Why is it cached, but still counted and re-cached on every view? Also note that we do keep quite a long history for recent changes.
Version: 1.16.x
Severity: normal