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Request for hard drives
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi there,

In preparation for our server swap out in the coming weeks, we will need 5-6 8tb+ 3.5inch hard drives for two staging servers. The reason for this is that we will be transferring our XenServer VM images off of our current storage repository onto these two staging servers, while the current storage repository is wiped and updated. These servers configured as RAID1 to circumvent any possible data loss while the VM images are being transferred.

By chance, does the DC have spare hard drives that you would be willing to ship over to us? It would be much appreciated, and we can even ship them back to you after our server swap is complete. Please let me know if you need more information.


Event Timeline

akosiaris triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 11 2019, 4:54 PM
akosiaris edited projects, added DC-Ops; removed ops-codfw.

@HMarcus unfortunately codfw has not 8TB+ disks

Thank you for the quick follow up Papaul, will go ahead and close this out.