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Scrolling with the middle button on Wikimedia websites in visual editing mode mode stutters or snaps back the page in Chrome
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Note: I have proven this to be a VisualEditor issue and not a Chrome issue; it occurs on clean installations of Chromium older than the issue itself and on an unrelated PC I tested it on.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use Chrome.
  2. Visit any Wikimedia page that can be edited in visual mode (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, etc.). I used the Wikipedia article as an example.
  3. Click "Edit" to edit the page.
  4. Switch to visual editor if not already in it (by clicking the pencil then clicking "Visual editing").
  5. Hold the middle mouse button down and flick the cursor down in a quick motion to scroll down the page. The same can be repeated for up the page. Clicking the mousewheel then flicking the cursor works too.

Actual Results:

A split-second after the initiation of the scroll (usually about 500ms), the page snaps back to where it was originally. One must hold the scrollwheel down longer in order to let the page snap back and scroll down again to where the user wants. It does not occur with every scroll. Video:

Expected Results:

The page should scroll down or up as per the user's direction, with no uncommanded movements.


It started in approximately June 2019 and has never been fixed. It happens on Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons and any Wikimedia website that can use the VisualEditor. It does not happen in Firefox or IE. I also tested on a second, unrelated PC, and it happened on that PC's Chrome. It happens in a clean session of Chrome Canary 81.0.4036.0 (64-bit). I then tested on versions of Chromium from May 2019, March 2019 and October 2018, and it occurred on all of them, proving it is a VisualEditor issue and not a Chrome issue, even though it only occurs in Chrome.

Event Timeline

Just thought I'd point out it's not the same issue as The issue is very different to the video provided there, it occurs on desktop, does not occur in reading mode and it did not occur that early. But who knows, they may be linked.

This issue has never been fixed. Adding some additional confirmatory details to the issue. @Aklapper

SUM1 renamed this task from Scrolling with the middle button in editing mode stutters or snaps back the page in Chrome to Scrolling with the middle button on Wikimedia websites in visual editing mode mode stutters or snaps back the page in Chrome.Jan 23 2020, 8:21 PM
SUM1 updated the task description. (Show Details)
SUM1 added a project: VisualEditor.
SUM1 updated the task description. (Show Details)

@matmarex @JTannerWMF Someone needs to hear about this. It's driving me insane.

I can reproduce this. Note that you have to press, hold, and let go of the button really fast and while moving the mouse to trigger the problem. I initially couldn't reproduce it because of that (and also, I didn't even know you and press and hold the middle mouse button, I always click it once to enter the scrolling mode, then click again to exit it).

What happens here is:

  1. The initial middle-press places the text cursor, the same as if you left-clicked. I'm not sure if this is expected. I think this is a native browser behavior rather than cause by our code.
  2. The browser scrolls the page to follow your mouse cursor.
  3. A few milliseconds after the initial press, we try to scroll the text selection/cursor into view. This is the same behavior that e.g. scrolls the whole infobox into view if you click to select it after scrolling down the page.

I think we'd need to do one of two things to fix it:

  • Prevent middle-clicking from placing the text cursor
  • Don't scroll the text cursor into view during middle-click scrolling

…But I'm not sure if it's actually possible to do either of them. This would take some investigation.

For completeness: on Firefox and IE, middle-clicking the text of the page doesn't place the text cursor, and so this issue doesn't occur on those browsers. So this is a Chrome bug, I'm not sure if we can work around it.

However, on every browser, middle-clicking a focusable node (like a template, floating image, references list) does place the cursor. I can reproduce the issue on them if the initial middle-click happens to land on e.g. a references list. So this part is a VE bug.

@matmarex Thank you for all this additional info. I had in fact drafted up a Chromium bug report before commenting on this until I tested it on an Chromium version older than the issue and confirmed what I thought, that it was triggered by a VisualEditor update rather than a Chrome one.

You are probably right about it being a native browser behaviour; see here:

And wow, I can't imagine not using middle-mouse drag to scroll.

That issue I just linked seems to be unrelated but very similar. Either way, I filed a bug report for it too since it was pissing me off:

So, the issue here seems to be a native Chromium behaviour from before 2018 that was only triggered by an update to VisualEditor in June 2019, whereas the issue I linked is a Chromium behaviour that was instigated on 11 September 2019.

EDIT: I just tested and this issue even occurs in Chromium 40.0.2192.0 from 16 October 2014.

It's not a Chrome bug. The behaviour I describe in the original post is a VisualEditor bug.

The Chrome behaviour has always been that way. The VisualEditor behaviour only started in June 2019.

Go to any Wikipedia page, like

Paste "javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200" in the URL (don't forget to re-add the "javascript:") and press Enter.

Then try to reproduce the bug. You can't.

It only happens in the VisualEditor editing environment.

Just because the caret gets placed to the cursor in contentEditable environments in Chrome, doesn't mean that snapping behaviour has to happen.

Though I would agree with you that it's not expected that the middle-mouse button should place the caret. And I could also reproduce the issue in Firefox when dragging from an image or template.