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Knowledge crystal: using Wikibase for structured discussion
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We want to structure discussions and debates so that they can crystallize knowledge. Each comment has its own Wikibase item and connects to other items to form a network that represents the discussion. We set up a Wikibase instance and created visualisations and a visual editor. We want to find good use cases such as more open and improved online discussions on e.g. Wikiversity or in Wikipedia in the case of complex and heated topics where analytical approach could offer added value to debates.

Event Timeline

Hi, this open task is tagged only with Wikimania-Hackathon-2019 which is in the past.
If this task was being worked on and resolved at the Wikimania 2019 Hackathon: Please change the task status to "resolved" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
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Thank you for helping clean up a bit! :)

TuukkaH claimed this task.

The first version of this service was implemented at the Wikimania 2019 Hackathon. Video recording of the showcase presentation:

The current version of the service is live and under further development at

An example in English (and screenshots for posteriority):

Screenshot from 2019-11-09 12-30-32.png (1×1 px, 164 KB)
Screenshot from 2019-11-09 12-30-47.png (1×1 px, 156 KB)
Screenshot from 2019-11-09 12-31-08.png (1×1 px, 179 KB)

Is the source code available?