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Allow Phabricator username which include diaeresis
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User Lyokoï (note the diaeresis on the i) can't use his Wikimedia account to register on Phabricator. The reason given aren't detailing if diacritics are allowed (latin characters are supposed to include diacritics).

Screenshot_2019-09-12_Create_a_New_Account.png (280×1 px, 46 KB)

Event Timeline

Trizek-WMF renamed this task from Username with diaeresis can log on Phabricator to Username with diaeresis can't log on Phabricator.Sep 12 2019, 10:45 AM

This does not seem to be about login but about account registration.

Similar to T179126: Clarify that spaces are not allowed in Phabricator usernames when creating an account.

We could adjust the translation.override section in but not sure how to improve... "ASCII" is probably a term most people have never heard of.

Aklapper renamed this task from Username with diaeresis can't log on Phabricator to Error message not explicit that you cannot create a Phabricator account when username includes diaeresis.Sep 12 2019, 10:54 AM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)

The expected outcome from this user would be to be allowed to use his username, not to have a better message. :)

I used log-in, since this happen when you click on the following button that is supposed to use OAuth to connect you smoothly.

ECwpOG0WsAAFgHm.jpeg (571×335 px, 27 KB)

For the context: this user action was to log-in on the Space.

Aklapper renamed this task from Error message not explicit that you cannot create a Phabricator account when username includes diaeresis to Allow Phabricator username which include diaeresis.Sep 12 2019, 11:29 AM

If the intention is to support non-ASCII letters than this is a duplicate of declined T375: Aligning Phabricator account restrictions with Wikimedia's.
See for the reasons.