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Toolforge ingress: decide on how ingress configuration objects will be managed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have several options for doing the ingress object configuration in kubernetes. We can namespace the ingress objects and allow users to manage them via the API (mostly via the webservice command) or maintain the config in a daemon under our control.

Open question. How do we prevent tool2 maintainer from adding this config?:

kind: Ingress
  name: tool2-ingress
  namespace: tool2
  - host:    <---- wrong!
      - backend:
          serviceName: tool2-svc
          servicePort: 8081

It seems we have 3 options:

  • a daemon detecting which tools are online and generating the ingress config automagically. The webservice command does not generate the ingress config. Management of ingress objects in the API is forbidden for end users.
  • a custom admission controller to enforce correct ingress config, and have the webservice command generate it. The API allows users to manage ingress objects, because we are enforcing a valid config in the API.
  • some mixed thing using a CRD.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

aborrero created this task.
aborrero moved this task from Inbox to Soon! on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

We had a team meeting on 2019-10-10 and we decided to try the custom admission controller to enforce correctness in ingress objects.

@Bstorm already has some code bootstrapped to handle this, and she will follow-up.

Requested the repo cloud/toolforge/ingress-admission-controller after getting the cloud and toolforge placed above that level.

Change 543727 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bstorm; owner: Bstorm):
[cloud/toolforge/ingress-admission-controller@master] ingress: adding initial files as they come together

Change 543727 merged by Bstorm:
[cloud/toolforge/ingress-admission-controller@master] ingress: adding initial files as they come together

Change 545116 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bstorm; owner: Bstorm):
[cloud/toolforge/ingress-admission-controller@master] ingress-admission: Complete pieces for delivery

Change 545116 merged by Bstorm:
[cloud/toolforge/ingress-admission-controller@master] ingress-admission: Complete pieces for delivery

The image needs upload and all that, but this is ready with some minor touches tracked in other tickets.