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33: Newsletter, issue #1
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The first issue of the newsletter, to be sent before version 4.0.0 (probably by a week)

Sub tasks include new features to note or deprecations to warn about

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a project: User-DannyS712. · View Herald Transcript


Recent changes:

  • New pages are shown at the start of a site's feed
  • Log entries are shown at the end of a site's feed
  • Basic validation has been added to user settings, applied before saving

Upcoming changes:

  • Expanded validation, which will verify sites provided are valid wikimedia foundation sites, will be added

Backwards compatibility:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Backwards compatibility supporting the use of sites as '*.*.org' (like '' or ''), deprecated in version 1.7.5, will be removed; all sites should now be saved as '*.*' (like 'de.wikinews' or 'fr.wikisource')
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Storing user sites as window.GlobalWatchlistSites, deprecated in version version 1.11.11, will be removed; all settings should be stored in the window.GlobalWatchlistConfig object
  • Both of these breaking changes will be implemented alongside version 4.0; until then, any use of the config page ( [[:meta:Special:BlankPage/GlobalWatchlistConfig]] ) will result in saving settings in the current format

Next release:
Version 4.0 should be released in around a week. It will include the new features mentioned above, as well as removal of backwards compatibility for settings and sites.

Should be ready to send this week (for rollout of 4.0 next week); requested mass message rights on meta

DannyS712 renamed this task from 33: Newsletter, Issue #1 to 33: Newsletter, issue #1.Oct 27 2019, 10:04 PM
DannyS712 triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 14 2019, 6:51 AM