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Finalize integration of Basque TTS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For the ahotts branches, make sure the following works without errors:

  • Start separate servers (lexserver, marytts, ahotts, wikispeech_mockup)
  • Start from fresh local images using docker-compose: docker-compose --file wikispeech-dev.yml up --abort-on-container-exit --build
  • Run in wikispeech_mockup and wikispeech-compose
  • Make sure travis build tests work for wikispeech_mockup and wikispeech-compose

Test all of this again, merged to master branch.

Integration completed with non-Docker setup.
It has not been integrated into the Docker setup, since we decided not to include it in the default setup.

Event Timeline

HannaLindgren renamed this task from Integration of Basque TTS to Finalize integration of Basque TTS.Oct 23 2019, 10:49 AM
HannaLindgren claimed this task.
HannaLindgren triaged this task as Low priority.
HannaLindgren raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.