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Import of the youtube channel "Les possédés et leurs mondes"
Open, Stalled, MediumPublic


Hi friends,

Here is a nice project to import wonderful interviews of hundred humanities scientists on Wikimedia commons for enhance editorial Wikimedia projects. All these videos are already on youtube on the channel "Les Possédés et leurs mondes " :

I'm in touch with the author of all videos and he is ok for the importation and the CC.BY.SA license. My first plan was to import video from youtube with as soon as the author had applies the CC.BY license on it on youtube. The license CC.BY.SA is not any more available on youtube, probably because Google don't like Share alike conditions that make impossible to place under copyright derivative production as they make frequently.

This first plan fell through as a result of this error message : " Error: An exception occurred: DownloadError: ERROR: 5laV_fLSX4E: YouTube said: Unable to extract video data". The message displayed on the web page befor to broke the web page accessiblility and after fonctionnality. I gone post the bug just after this task post : T236705

My second plan is to directly import to commons, videos from a hard disc connected to my desktop. But that's means multiple To of very big video files... After checking help on commons to accomplish this task, I've found this page talking about Batch uploading, but that's concern only pictures. The also talk about picture but not video...

So finally I'm opening this task to see if some one can give me a hand or give me some tips for completing this project.


Event Timeline

@Lionel_Scheepmans I am not seeing any license information in some video pages. We can't import files from YT if there is no licensing information. It would need to go though OTRS. Or you can just ask the author of the videos to change their license on YouTube.

Masumrezarock100 changed the task status from Open to Stalled.EditedNov 3 2019, 4:46 AM

Stalled untill we can verify that the YT channel author is releasing their content under CC-SA license. We can not just import it to Commons if there is no indication that those videos has been released under a compatible license. It will need to go through OTRS.

Stalled untill we can verify that the YT channel author is releasing their content under CC-SA license. We can not just import it to Commons if there is no indication that those videos has been released under a compatible license. It will need to go through OTRS.

Thanks for your reply @Masumrezarock100, the author as already change the license of all this videos list : from google licence to CC.BY but Google don't display the information on web pages... Do you think than a email from "Les Possédés et leurs mondes" author to OTRS could be enough for starting the importation of all video to commons ? The author tel me than changing the lincence on Google is a to big job as there is hundred vidéos. For the rest, and if the OTRS ticket is enought what's your idea to import all video from google to commons ? A script for an automatic importation of all video plublised ( is possible ?

@zhuyifei1999 I am getting the same "YouTube said: Unable to extract video data" error. Do you think you can take a look?

Thanks for your reply @Masumrezarock100, the author as already change the license of all this videos list : from google licence to CC.BY but Google don't display the information on web pages... Do you think than a email from "Les Possédés et leurs mondes" author to OTRS could be enough for starting the importation of all video to commons ? The author tel me than changing the lincence on Google is a to big job as there is hundred vidéos. For the rest, and if the OTRS ticket is enought what's your idea to import all video from google to commons ? A script for an automatic importation of all video plublised ( is possible ?

After we get the permission via a OTRS, importing of files to Commons can begin. And I think any sysadmin can server side upload them. Pinging @Urbanecm any thoughts on the matter?

@zhuyifei1999 I am getting the same "YouTube said: Unable to extract video data" error. Do you think you can take a look?


Ecritures triaged this task as Medium priority.
Ecritures moved this task from Backlog to SPARQLstation on the Wiki-Techstorm-2019 board.
Reedy renamed this task from Importation of the youtube channel "Les possédés et leurs mondes" to Import of the youtube channel "Les possédés et leurs mondes".Nov 22 2019, 9:24 AM