Author: morbus
Create a page with the phrase "Folktown Records" (plural). Then, do a
search on "Folktown Record" (singular, WITH QUOTES). The quotes
group the phrases so that you won't match "Folktown hasn't a single
record". The problem, however, is that the MySQL MATCH seems to
respect word boundaries on single words, but nto on grouped words.
"Folktown Record" (with quotes) will MATCH "Folktown Records"
(plural) in an entry. "Grouped Phrase" will match "Ungrouped Phrase"
and so forth.
Without changing any code, you can confirm this behavior by looking for
" Folktown Record " (with the quotes AND leading and trailing spaces). Since
the space is now being treated literally, "Records" doesn't match. I think that
result is what most people are expecting when they type a grouped phrase,
but I sincerely doubt they'll make the cognitive leap to add leading and
trailing spaces to get the proper result.
To fix this in MW, we can take every [quote] and turn them into
[space][quote][space]. In SearchEngine.php:parseQuery4, look for:
$searchon = wfStrencode( $searchon );
$this->mTitlecond = " MATCH(si_title) AGAINST('$searchon' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
$this->mTextcond = " (MATCH(si_text) AGAINST('$searchon' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND cur_is_redirect=0)";
and add a new line before it:
$searchon = str_replace( '"', ' " ', $searchon);
$searchon = wfStrencode( $searchon );
$this->mTitlecond = " MATCH(si_title) AGAINST('$searchon' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
$this->mTextcond = " (MATCH(si_text) AGAINST('$searchon' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND cur_is_redirect=0)";
Version: 1.3.x
Severity: normal