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Wikimedia Technical Conference 2019 Unconference: What could be the small things to do to make Wikisource less annoying?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Wikisource has a lot of code in extensions and gadgets to support its workflow. Some of them are fairly bad and create often breakages when other part of MediaWiki platform gets modified, like skin, VisualEditor or parser.

What could be the small changes we could do to avoid such site breaks?

Leaders: @Tpt and @Samwilson
Time: 45mns.
Facilitation: yes.

Event Timeline

Tpt renamed this task from What could be the small things to do to make Wikisource less annoying? to Wikimedia Technical Conference 2019 Unconference: What could be the small things to do to make Wikisource less annoying?.Nov 13 2019, 8:57 PM
Tpt updated the task description. (Show Details)

Etherpad dump:

Wikimedia Technical Conference 2019 Unconference: What could be the small things to do to make Wikisource less annoying?

Attendees: Sam Wilson, Brooke, TPT, Kaldari, Brennen

RK: Two ideas
* Tool to let you easily chop off the first page of a dejavu (sp?) and PDF file
** Doing it manually is very difficult.
* SW: That's we do in the iaupload tool
** Upload a file and it'd spit back the modified file
* Modify header template so that it shows an indication on the page of a work of whatever the badge for that work is on Wikidata
** For every work on Wikisource there's a corresponding work on Wikidata
** When there's an entry on Wikidata it should have a site link for the source
** Should be a badge with the link indicating status
** Would be great to pull in badge
** Some work existing at
*** We should move this code into the header template.
*** SW: There can be social issues getting stuff into the header template.
*** RK: There's a discussion about this in Scriptorium - there are corresponding icons for validated, etc.
*** RK: If you got to English Wikisource
** TPT: Started to investigate
*** Updating wikidata from wikisource
** SW: Started work on a module called ? edition ? - spits out an indicator
** TPT: If you want to do it the nice way should be an extension (maybe in the Wikisource extension?)
** SW: Badges are really powerful, people just don't use them.
* The badges chosen by English Wikisource:
** Validated:
** Proofread:
** Not Proofread:
** Problematic:
** Null:
* TPT: [demo]
** Query:
* The Wikidata item for Wikisource badges:
RK: What we're doing here could be applied to Wikipedia

local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if item.sitelinks.enwikisource ~= nil then for _,badge in pairs(item.sitelinks.frrwikisource.badges) do PRINT_BADGE done end


SELECT ?item ?label ?image ?color ?categoryLabel WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q17442550.
  OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P465 ?color }.
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P910 ?category }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }  

@Tpt / @Samwilson: Thank you for proposing and/or hosting this session. This open task only has the archived project tag Wikimedia-Technical-Conference-2019.
If there is nothing more to do in this very task, please change the task status to resolved via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
If there is more to do, then please either add appropriate non-archived project tags to this task (via the Add Action...Change Project Tags dropdown), or make sure that appropriate follow up tasks have been created and resolve this very task. Thank you for helping clean up!

Samwilson claimed this task.

Other tasks haven't been created for some of the ideas that came up, but that's okay I think.