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toolforge: new k8s: package newer/more convenient python3 k8s client libs
Closed, DuplicatePublic


@Bstorm mentions this:

We need to package the Kubernetes python3
client (preferably 10.0.1 at least) for webservice so we can take advantage of
cascading deletes, update our APIs, upgrade to 1.16, etc. The old APIs used by
pykube block pieces of that.

Event Timeline

aborrero moved this task from Inbox to Soon! on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

Triaging this as low priority, since this would be required for k8s 1.16. We are targeting 1.15 for the initial migration.

Legoktm renamed this task from toolfoge: new k8s: package newer/more convenient python3 k8s client libs to toolforge: new k8s: package newer/more convenient python3 k8s client libs.Jan 3 2020, 3:44 AM