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Define and add another Base color between Base10 and Base20?
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Originating from T240500 and before:
Our current color palette defines Base20 #54595d as triple A conformant on white. We have gotten repeatedly in the situation to need a more subtle than Base10 color on Base80 #eaecf0 backgrounds.

That would automatically result in double AA support only with Base20.
MobileFrontend/MinervaNeue ended up defining #4a4f53 as helper color, that provides exactly AAA's 7:1 ratio requirement.

Accessibility special concerns aside, the gap between #54595d and #222 is big when it comes to mode changes going from #000 to #222 to #54595d. OOUI has introduced a different modifier #444 outside our palette to bridge that gap.

  1. Should we define a color to address those needs?
  2. Should we make it part of the official palette (“Base15” eek)?

Event Timeline

After revisiting T240500 it doesn't seem a good use of our time to care for AAA support in some places while neglecting others. AAA contrast ratios have issues where applied in specific contexts like text colors vs interaction colors (see T248393 for one issued case) and we better focus on getting to proper AA support and relying on supportive software beyond with our interfaces flexible enough to provide.