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Give deployer access to Archiva for Maryum Styles
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@Mstyles should have deployment access to archiva as part of her work on the Search Platform team. Her shell username is msyles.

According to the doc, this should require adding her to the archiva-deployers LDAP group.

@Ottomata or @elukey are probably the owner of Archiva, we probably want their approval (the process isn't super clear to me).

Event Timeline

Maryum is already a shell user, so exists in the admin module as "mstyles". That means we don't have to add her to "ldap_only" admins additionally and can just do the actual change in LDAP.

Dzahn triaged this task as High priority.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-12-19T04:03:13Z] <mutante> LDAP - added mstyles to archiva-deployers (T240865)


[mwmaint1002:~] $ sudo modify-ldap-group archiva-deployers