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Create a system for distributed shared secret material to server tmps
Open, MediumPublic


The use-case here is TLS private keys as well as various more-ephemeral keys which are rotated frequently (e.g. TLS Ticket keys, TCP Fastopen keys, DNS Cookie Keys, etc). There are really 3 sub-problems to solve here:

  1. For the ticket-like cases (as opposed to actual TLS private keys from externally-signed certs), having a system which manages the rotation of small fixed secrets into keyfiles in some secure central location, in memory (tmpfs) only. Every case may require unique solutions here in terms of how the output is formatted and how many prior keys are kept, etc. Most cases will end up something like: generate a new 48-byte random output every 12 hours, and store the last 3 outputs in time order in a single file.
  2. Having a way to distribute these securely to many servers, storing them only in memory (e.g. tmpfs), yet ensuring they're available before the consuming daemons start on reboot. There was some past work on this in and related, and I think that's probably still the best approximate path forward.
  3. For the TLS privkey types of problems: migrating key paths to the new location (various downtimes and moves of private data to new paths, etc).

Event Timeline

ema triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 20 2019, 12:34 PM
ema moved this task from Backlog to General on the Traffic board.

The swap of Traffic for Traffic-Icebox in this ticket's set of tags was based on a bulk action for all such tickets that haven't been updated in 6 months or more. This does not imply any human judgement about the validity or importance of the task, and is simply the first step in a larger task cleanup effort. Further manual triage and/or requests for updates will happen this month for all such tickets. For more detail, have a look at the extended explanation on the main page of Traffic-Icebox . Thank you!