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Bots should leave any status of revisions unchanged, not only sighted
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: pbirken

Reviewed versions are being actively used on de.wikiquote. There, they complain that bot edits change the status of revisions flagged as reviewed down to sighted.

I think it would in general be a good idea that a botedit just carries over the last flag to the newly created version, not only for sighted edits as it is now.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 21 2014, 10:47 PM
bzimport added a project: FlaggedRevs.
bzimport set Reference to bz22138.

Done in r61235 (in spite of summary).

Reopened again. Reason: Code is not live yet.

Please excuse me, but a bug is NOT *resolved* and *fixed* when the problem still exists. It's a great work from Aaron to fix the problem in sourcecode in such a quick way, many thanks! But it doesn't help in any way, when this fixed code doesn't come live.

Now 2 month have passed by, and nothing has happen. I don't know, if the problem is really clear described: Actually all bots are changing quality status down to sighted! It can be no option for the 2-3 sysops in the project, to repair all of those bot edits!

Please bring this code changing live!

(In reply to comment #4)

Reopened again. Reason: Code is not live yet.

Please excuse me, but a bug is NOT *resolved* and *fixed* when the problem
still exists.

If a bug is fixed in the code and just waiting to be deployed to the live site, that's RESOLVED FIXED on this bug tracker. We've worked this way for quite some time now.

It's a great work from Aaron to fix the problem in sourcecode in
such a quick way, many thanks! But it doesn't help in any way, when this fixed
code doesn't come live.

Now 2 month have passed by, and nothing has happen. I don't know, if the
problem is really clear described: Actually all bots are changing quality
status down to sighted! It can be no option for the 2-3 sysops in the project,
to repair all of those bot edits!

Please bring this code changing live!

Rumors are there should be a general code update happening in the next few weeks or so. These updates don't happen very often.