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Count of "since deleted" pages in X-Tools is wrong
Closed, DeclinedPublic


The count of "since deleted pages" reported by XTools in the "general statistics" section (subsection "Pages", line "Pages created") does not match the sum of the details table shown in the summary table (column "deleted") in the page that can be reached clicking on link associated with the number of created pages.

For example, for, I'm given 915 "since deleted" in the general statistics, but in the details the count is just 75.

Link to my general statistics:
Link to my details:

Event Timeline

MusikAnimal subscribed.

@Ysogo The Edit Counter counts all page creations, including redirects created from page moves. The Pages tool has some special logic to exclude redirects from page moves, and I believe that's the difference you're seeing. The reason this isn't done in the Edit Counter is for performance, since it already makes a ton of other expensive queries. Definitely not ideal, but the thought is some data is better than none. There's a little info icon next to "Pages created" that explains this issue. Maybe it could be worded better?

MusikAnimal moved this task from Edit Counter to Complete on the XTools board.

Declining in the absence of further feedback.