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Fix failing TwoColConflict selenium-daily
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


This is failing for some days in a row now. We should look into it and fix it.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 566296 had a related patch set uploaded (by WMDE-Fisch; owner: WMDE-Fisch):
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] [WIP] Fix failing browser tests

Change 566296 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] Fix failing browser tests

So what I got so far is, that running the tests on the beta cluster shows some problems with the logins and expiring sessions. I wonder if other tests needing a login have the same issue. More to look into tomorrow.

WMDE-Fisch moved this task from Doing to Watching on the WMDE-QWERTY-Sprint-2020-01-21 board.

There seems to be movement working on a general solution in the mentioned ticket. I'll move this one here to Watching.

The original problem blocking this ticket seems to be fixed. There's a new issue and I'll create a new ticket for it.