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Show Wikidata QID as a link in Navigation-Popups
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As I noted on en.Wikipedia in July 2014(!)

It would be really useful if the pop-up linked to the Wikidata equivalent of an article, displaying the Q value (e.g. Q144 for Dog) as the link text.

Having this feature would significantly increase my productivity, in certain regular tasks.

Specifically, I need to be able to right click and "copy link text", to capture the ID, so displaying the value as the (whole) link text, rather than text such as "visit Wikidata", is imperative

A mock-up can be seen at

[I note that I received a reply, then, that this is "abandonware", but noting the request here in case a developer is now/ becomes available]

Event Timeline

Pigsonthewing renamed this task from Show Wikidata QID as a link to Show Wikidata QID as a link in Navigation-Popups.Jan 28 2020, 11:17 AM

Patch for this filed and awaiting interface administrator review.

Chlod closed this task as Resolved.EditedAug 15 2023, 1:40 PM
Chlod claimed this task.

Done with this diff (approved by @Novem_Linguae, thanks!)

Done with this diff (approved by @Novem_Linguae, thanks!)

Thank you both so much for doing this!