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write up impact estimation procedure
Open, MediumPublic


There's two high-level useful metrics for measuring the impact of an outage/incident:

  1. number of requests 'missing' (easy to measure over the short term by looking at 'holes'/'divots' in the frontend traffic graphs). Unit: generally a whole number of millions of requests.
  2. fraction of traffic affected (take the # of missing requests as the numerator, and the expected # of requests as the denominator), e.g. "about 20%".

An example of both of these being reported in a document is 20200211-caching-proxies.

#1 gives a single number that scales with both severity and duration of outage. #2 gives you an idea of the overall severity.

In particular, #1 seems useful because it's easy and meaningful to sum up that number across different incidents. Imagine doing the following:

  • estimate queries-lost for each incident
  • attach some 'tags' to each incident: which pieces of tech or parts of the stack were involved, high-level causes, important-but-not-urgent projects we've been putting off that would have helped mitigate or have prevented the incident, etc
  • compute per-tag sums for the past quarter / the past year

Might help get an idea of what stuff we 'should' be working on.

This task is to refine and write up a procedure to easily compute 'queries lost during an outage' from Prometheus data.

Event Timeline

CDanis triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 3 2020, 7:46 AM
CDanis updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper removed a subscriber: crusnov.

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