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Styles specified in Vector stylesheet are overridden by Shared.css
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: lhridley

The stylesheets for the vector skin are loading in the wrong order. The common/shared.css stylesheet is loading after the vector/main-ltr.css stylesheet, effectively overriding any skin-specific styling.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:59 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz22916.

Does this bug happen for any of the other skins? (I mean the loading order, not necessarily issues arising from it.)

lhridley wrote:

No, I checked monobook and modern (I didn't check any of the others). Those skins load the stylesheets in the correct order.

On Vector, the vector/main-ltr.css or -rtl.css stylesheet (whichever is applicable) is being loaded first, followed by shared.css and commonPrint.css, followed by the wiki stylesheets and the user stylesheets (if user css is enabled). This causes any elements that have been redefined in the vector specific stylesheet to be overwritten by shared.css and commonPrint.css.

I'm not sure where the browser specific stylesheets are loading as I'm using Firefox and did not check IE.

Monobook and modern load the shared.css and commonPrint.css stylesheets, then load the skin-specific main.css stylesheet, followed by the remaining ones.

I have a fix (I think); I just haven't had time to post it as I've been working on a client project.

I should be able to post it either tonight or sometime tomorrow.

lhridley wrote:

fixed with 464080