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Don't try to start a redundant ChromeDriver
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Every quibble run includes one of these,

WARNING: backend.ChromeWebDriver:[1588081603.517][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)

This could be wasting resources and time, trying to start a second ChromeDriver when one is already running, or failing to wait for the previous one to stop. Ideally, we would only ever start one, beginning whenever we first need the service.

Event Timeline

Quibble runs chromedriver through a context manager and itt invokes it only once before running npm run selenium-test against each repositories. It seems the context manager properly stops the chromedriver process.

Looks like mediawiki/core test entry point does attempt to run chromedriver?

INFO:quibble.commands:Running webdriver test in /workspace/src
WARNING:backend.ChromeWebDriver:[1588421475.268][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)